If you are charged with drunk driving, it doesn't mean that you are guilty of the crime. Instead, it simply means that Florida authorities believed that there was enough evidence to suggest that you violated the law. There are multiple defenses that you may be able to...
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Teens and drunk driving dangers
Anyone convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) in Florida could be in legal jeopardy. Although auto liability insurance may cover losses resulting from an accident, criminal DUI charges may be much harder to address, mainly when blood alcohol concentration...
Should I plead guilty to a DUI charge?
Pleading guilty to any Florida criminal charge is a serious decision that all defendants should fully evaluate first. There are consequences that go along with a guilty plea in the future because it can be the basis for certain restrictions as well as generate a...
Can a job offer be rescinded after a DUI?
Job seekers in Florida expect things to go smoothly after receiving an offer of employment. You should know what can happen if that offer is rescinded due to a DUI. Can a job offer be rescinded due to a DUI? Employers take it seriously when a job applicant has a DUI...
Field sobriety tests used to determine if a driver is impaired
Even though a motorist can exhibit clear signs of drunkenness, those staggering behaviors alone may not suffice as evidence in court. Therefore, police will conduct three tests to confirm whether or not a person is intoxicated. These field sobriety tests are the...
Can I get a DUI from prescription drugs?
Florida state law is explicit that those who are caught driving while using prescription drugs can be charged with and convicted of DUI. However, cases can be more complicated than a standard impaired driving charge for alcohol use. Police officers typically must have...
Are drug-related DUI arrests always valid?
Perceptions exist about those arrested for driving under the influence. The public generally assumes that Florida DUI arrests involve people using alcohol, which is often the case. However, many DUI incidents involve people using legal or illegal drugs. Drivers under...
DUI stops can be made only with reasonable suspicion
Legal cases involving traffic stops have continuously reaffirmed a fundamental principle: Someone can only be pulled over if the police officer in question has "reasonable suspicion" that a crime has been or is being committed. This is the case across the entire...
How many drinks make you drunk?
People in Florida who drink too much and get behind the wheel can be arrested and charged with drunk driving, including younger people who might not be as familiar with the signs that they have reached their legal limits. Since alcohol depresses the central nervous...
Does sleeping in a car reflect DUI physical control?
Turning the key in the ignition and driving off stands as a terrible idea when you are under the influence. The tremendous safety risks to yourself and others contribute to Florida's harsh DUI penalties. Some drivers feel it's best to "sleep off" an intoxicated state....