Even the most careful Florida drivers make mistakes from time to time. Whether it's because distracted driving is on the rise or because some traffic lights and stop signs aren't easy to see, red light violations in Florida are extremely common. If you have been cited...
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Month: June 2021
The potential consequences for violating probation
It isn't uncommon for an individual to be sentenced to probation after pleading guilty to a criminal offense. However, if you violate your probation, a Florida judge has the option of revoking it. Alternatively, the judge could decide to modify the terms of your...
How many drinks make you drunk?
People in Florida who drink too much and get behind the wheel can be arrested and charged with drunk driving, including younger people who might not be as familiar with the signs that they have reached their legal limits. Since alcohol depresses the central nervous...
Does sleeping in a car reflect DUI physical control?
Turning the key in the ignition and driving off stands as a terrible idea when you are under the influence. The tremendous safety risks to yourself and others contribute to Florida's harsh DUI penalties. Some drivers feel it's best to "sleep off" an intoxicated state....