If you're driving in Florida, it's critical to understand the consequences of driving under the influence (DUI). A DUI conviction can have far-reaching negative impacts on your life. Imagine facing hefty fines, losing your driving privileges and even spending time...
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What are the Florida rules for a prescription drug DUI?
Most people mentally associate Florida driving under the influence (DUI) charges with alcohol. A large percentage of DUI arrests occur because someone had too much to drink and either drove poorly or failed a breath test. However, alcohol is not the only substance...
What are my rights at a DUI checkpoint?
Being stopped at a DUI checkpoint can be stressful, but understanding your rights can ease your mind. DUI checkpoints, also known as sobriety checkpoints, are predetermined locations where law enforcement stops vehicles to assess drivers for signs of impairment. These...
People cannot tell how impaired they are
Would you say that you generally know how intoxicated you are? If you’ve been drinking, you can tell if you just have a slight buzz or if you are significantly impaired. This is an assumption that a lot of people make, especially when deciding if it’s safe to drive...
The consequences of a DUI for a college student
The consequences of a drunk driving conviction can be severe in Florida. Motorists convicted of driving under the influence for the first time can spend up to six months behind bars, and repeat offenders face mandatory jail time. A driver is considered intoxicated in...
Should you cooperate with the police or plead the Fifth?
During a traffic stop, the police may gather evidence to prove that a driver is drunk. The police may ask the driver to perform standardized field sobriety tests or use a breath test to evaluate their blood alcohol content. Typically, the police will start by...
How does a SCRAM device work in DUI cases?
Not all offenders who drive under the influence (DUI) respond positively to criminal sanctions or medical treatment. Some hardcore or high-risk drunk drivers resist behavioral change. They tend to relapse into their alcoholic patterns, unfazed by their encounters with...
Why could a breath test be inaccurate?
A breath test can be administered by a police department to determine someone’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC). For example, a police officer may pull over a driver for making erratic maneuvers. The officer may then have that person do field sobriety tests, and, if...
How does a DUI affect a nurse?
In Florida, dealing with the ramifications of being convicted for driving under the influence (DUI), it’s essential to grasp how it will affect your personal and professional life. The following details some of the consequences you could face. Defining a DUI To...
Underage DUI charges in Florida
Getting a DUI in Florida is a situation that needs to be taken very seriously. This is as true if you are a minor or an adult. The penalties for minors are usually lesser, especially if they are addressed to a first offense. What are the penalties you may receive? DUI...