You may wish to travel out of state for a vacation, to visit family and friends, to see a medical specialist or for a job opportunity. However, probation may limit many of your travel options. Instead of facing jail time after a criminal charge, you may be placed on...
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Fort Myers Criminal Defense Law Blog
Different ways people violate probation
Violating probation in Florida can lead to serious consequences, including fines, extended probation terms or even imprisonment. As a result, most people on probation take great care to avoid probation violations. However, life often unfolds in unexpected ways and...
Is Florida a Stop and ID state?
Police officers are subject to many rules limiting their authority. As agents of the state, they could very easily abuse their power and mistreat members of the public. Federal and state laws help protect people from abuses of state authority, including unreasonable...
Can you beat a running a red light ticket?
Florida traffic laws require that motorists stop at red lights. People who run red lights sometimes cause crashes. They are also at risk of a citation. If a police officer sees someone run a red light, they may pull that person over and issue them a ticket. There are...
How are theft, burglary and robbery different?
Like all states, Florida has specific laws and penalties associated with theft, burglary and robbery. These crimes, often used interchangeably by the average person or TV show, have distinct definitions and consequences under Florida law. This article will explore...
What’s the difference between drug distribution and drug possession in Florida?
In Florida, drug offenses are taken very seriously and generally classified into two main categories: drug possession and drug distribution. Drug possession refers to having control over a drug for personal use, while drug distribution involves the selling,...
How accurate are field sobriety tests in Florida?
If you're driving in Florida, it's critical to understand the consequences of driving under the influence (DUI). A DUI conviction can have far-reaching negative impacts on your life. Imagine facing hefty fines, losing your driving privileges and even spending time...
Is possessing prescription drugs without a prescription a crime?
Some drugs are illegal to possess or use in any situation. Both Florida state laws and federal statutes include lists of prohibited or banned substances ranging from bath salts to heroin. People generally understand that anything they do with a prohibited drug could...
What are the penalties for sharing Adderall?
Some people have a difficult time focusing or committing to complex tasks. Those with neurological conditions, including attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) sometimes require medication to meet the expectations in a...
What are the Florida rules for a prescription drug DUI?
Most people mentally associate Florida driving under the influence (DUI) charges with alcohol. A large percentage of DUI arrests occur because someone had too much to drink and either drove poorly or failed a breath test. However, alcohol is not the only substance...