Most couples in Florida and elsewhere engage in verbal arguments on occasion -- which is considered normal, as no couple gets along all the time. What is not normal is engaging in physical violence with your partner. When that happens, police tend to get involved, and...
Zealously Defending Your Rights With Unique Insight And Strategies
Month: January 2020
You do not have to be driving to get a DUI
An arrest and conviction for drunk driving can derail your life pretty quickly. Florida has some of the toughest drunk driving laws in the country, and a conviction even for a first offense could mean expensive fines, extended license suspension and the possibility of...
Reported sound of gunshots leads to teen’s arrest
Area police arrested a teenager for several weapons charges after receiving a call about someone celebrating New Year's Eve by firing a gun into the air. Although police consider it dangerous and illegal, firing bullets or shells to celebrate the New Year is a rather...
Criminal defense options are critical for accused individuals
Different criminal defense strategies can help accused individuals in different situations, so it is important to be familiar with the options available. The best and most appropriate criminal defense option depends on the accused individual's unique circumstances....