Zealously Defending Your Rights With Unique Insight And Strategies

Proven Record Defending Against Weapons Offenses

Your right to bear arms is fundamental, and it’s protected by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. However, that right isn’t without limits. Federal and state laws impose strict regulations on the use and ownership of guns and other weapons. Violations of those laws can result in serious criminal charges that threaten your gun rights as well as your freedom.

When you’re up against weapons charges, you need a lawyer with a proven track record. Steven Wetter in Fort Myers has spent more than 20 years working in the criminal justice system. He’s a former prosecutor who has previously worked alongside law enforcement, which means he’s familiar with their investigative techniques and how they may overstep. He is passionate about defending people against criminal charges such as weapons offenses.

What To Know About Weapons Offenses In Florida

Weapons offenses in Florida cover a broad spectrum, and Steven Wetter is well-acquainted with them all. He handles felony and misdemeanor gun charges involving:

  • Unlicensed conceal and carry
  • Open carry violations
  • Unlawful possession of a prohibited firearm
  • Illegal discharge of a firearm
  • Felon in possession
  • Possession of a stolen firearm
  • Unlawful sale or trafficking of firearms
  • Using a weapon while intoxicated

Additionally, violent crimes involving weapons can result in aggravated charges and more severe penalties. Steven can defend you against charges such as armed robbery, aggravated battery, armed drug trafficking and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Beyond misdemeanor and felony gun charges, other charges related to knives and explosives are also serious offenses. Steven Wetter understands the gravity of these charges. He aggressively challenges them in state or federal courts.

Your Ally In Challenging The Prosecution

Steven Wetter is the experienced weapon charge defense attorney you need on your side when the stakes are high. Contact him via email or phone at 239-347-9133 to start fighting for your rights.