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March 2016

15-CT-1277 DUI Judge Cupp Hendry County

HCSO deputy stopped my client for failing to “move over” for an emergency vehicle. Deputy stated my client had an odor of alcohol, bloodshot, watery eyes and admitting alcohol use. My client performed roadside sobriety tests and was arrested for DUI. She agreed to a breath test and blew above the legal limit. After I was retained, I filed a motion to suppress the illegal stop and the state dropped the case. We won! All charges dismissed. 3/15/2016

15-CT-504960 DUI Judge Paluck Lee County

Cape police stopped my client after she exited Rack Em’ Billiards without headlights on. Officer stated client smelled of alcohol, had bloodshot, watery eyes and admitted to leaving Dixie Roadhouse, where she consumed alcohol. She performed roadside tests and was arrested for DUI. She agreed to provide a breath sample and blew above the legal limit. After being retained, I was able to get her DUI reduced to reckless driving and secured a withhold as well, meaning no points or insurance increase. 3/14/2016

15-TR-67619 Fatal traffic crash Judge Hayward Lee County

Client was accused of turning left and violating another driver’s right of way resulting in a fatality. After being retained, we began our own investigation and discovered the driver that died was actually travelling significantly above the speed limit. All charges were dropped against my client. 3/24/2016

15-CF-18815 Felony Battery of a Paramedic Judge Porter Lee County

Client was visiting Florida from another state. Client had an altercation with law enforcement at the airport and, in the process, suffered an injury. Paramedics were called to assist my client and another altercation broke out. After being retained, I was able to get my client’s charges reduced and she is not a convicted felon!

16-CF-14437 Felony assault deadly weapon Judge Kyle Lee County

Client was arrested for felony assault with a weapon. During a domestic situation, my client armed himself with a knife. Victim told police my client grabbed her by the face and was thrown to the ground. Victim further said that my client threatened her with a knife. After I was retained, 3/01/2016, all charges were dropped.

12-CF-14176 Drug Trafficking Judge Manalich Lee County

Client was on probation for drug trafficking. After completing two years of probation, we filed for early termination of probation, and the motion was granted.

16-CT-500063 DUI Judge Gagliardi Lee County

Client was stopped by FHP for speeding. Trooper stated that client appeared very sleepy. Trooper said my client was unsteady on his feet and swayed while standing. He also had a strong odor of alcohol and slurred speech. Client performed roadside tests and was arrested for DUI. He refused the breath test. After I was retained and reviewed the evidence, on 3/24/2016, client’s case was reduced to reckless driving.