Traffic violations can have a significant effect on the lives of those impacted by them and that effect can oftentimes be negative. Individuals facing traffic violations should understand the difference between major and minor traffic violations and what they can do about them
Minor traffic infractions include speeding tickets, running a red light, running a stop sign, illegally passing, improper lane changes and passing a school bus or speeding in a school zone or construction zone. Major traffic infractions include driving with a suspended license; hit-and-run or leaving the scene of an accident; reckless driving; racing; and driving under the influence, or DUI. In addition, habitual traffic offense charges may apply when the accused individual has three major traffic violations or 15 moving violations.
Major traffic violations can be misdemeanor charges which can carry significant criminal penalties and consequences. Accused individuals can face jail time and, additionally, the charge may result in more serious penalties down the road as it may count as a prior offense if the accused individual faces criminal charges in the future. Additionally, most traffic offenses result in points that count toward the possibility of license suspension so license suspension is also on the line for accused individuals facing traffic violations.
Because there is so much on the line when accused individuals face either major or minor traffic infractions, it is important to take them seriously from the beginning. It is essential to know how to handle traffic violations directly which is why trained guidance through the process of challenging them head-on can be helpful.